How to uninstall Avast?

How to uninstall Avast?

Many people will install Avast Antivirus anti-virus software to avoid computer poisoning, but you may have some reasons and want to uninstall Avast Antivirus completely. If you want to uninstall Avast Antivirus completely through the general uninstallation program, there is no way to uninstall it completely. It would help if you disabled it first. Automatic protection works, and this article will teach you to step by step.

Note: If you plan to uninstall this set, we highly recommend replacing it with another anti-virus software because if the computer does not have any anti-virus software, there is a specific risk, especially when connected to the Internet.

How to disable the automatic defense module of Avast Antivirus?

To disable Avast’s self-protection function, you need to enter the settings part.

  1. Open the Avast antivirus software and click the menu function at the top right of the interface.
  2. Find “Settings” from the drop-down menu.
  3. Then you will enter the settings window. At this time, click “General” on the left, and then click “Troubleshooting” in the submenu.
  4. You can see the Avast self-defense module. Uncheck the box on the left.
  5. A window will pop up, asking you to confirm, click OK to change.
  6. This completes the disabling of the self-protection function, and then you can start to uninstall the Avast removal software.

Steps to completely uninstall Avast Antivirus

Now that you have finished disabling Avast self-protection, you can start uninstalling.

  1. In the start menu, enter the control panel.
  2. The control panel window, find “Programs and Features.”
  3. In the “Programs and Features” window, scroll down to find the Avast Antivirus application, click on it, and enable the uninstall function, and the uninstall process will begin.
  4. Then the Avast configuration screen will automatically start, and multiple options will be provided, such as update, repair, or modify. Please click the “Uninstall” function below.
  5. A confirmation window will pop up, asking if you want to uninstall Avast. Click “Yes.” So The Avast uninstall process will start and may take a few minutes.
  6. After the uninstallation is complete, so the system will prompt you to reboot to complete the uninstallation. Click the “Restart” button.

After the computer restarts, you should not see the Avast Antivirus antivirus software.

Install new antivirus software

If you have completed the uninstallation, you can prepare to install new antivirus software. There are many options on the market.

If you are to test whether it affects other applications and operations on your computer, remember to download the latest version of Avast Antivirus again after confirming to ensure that your computer is continuously protected.

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